Tuesday 22 October 2024 07:04:02 PHT

Conditions of Use

IJsselstein, Saturday, 7 May 2011


Unless otherwise noted, materials on this website are copyrighted by Jeroen Hellingman. You may copy these materials for personal use, for example, for off-line browsing or to prepare a print copy. You may also freely use materials from this website at school as part of your school assignments, or as educational materials. Any other use, including use on a website or in a commercial setting requires a prior written agreement. Where we can, we will normally not hesitate to give permission for reuse free-of-cost for uses that promote Bohol in-line with the purpose of this website.

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Jeroen Hellingman

What readers think...

Ero wrote:
Wednesday, 24 June 2020 03:09:59 PHT
Hello! I came across this picture on your website https://www.bohol.ph/picture1661.html I am writing a book for Deped; it will be given free to the students and it's non-profit. I would like to request permission to use this picture, Also, if possible, I would like to request a high-res copy. I will make sure to credit you as the source. I hope to hear from you. Please do reply on my email address. Thank you very much!
ella gallardo wrote:
Monday, 2 February 2015 10:02:00 PHT
i was read the forums about marrying/ divorcing a filipina and i have a few question myself. 1. i am a filipina and living with a begian fiance for 10 yrs now,we cant get married yet coz he has document problems and thats what i want to know anwers. 2. he is belgian citizen, had a filipina wife before, they got married in hongkong then after yrs of married, the filipina went to america to work then file a divorce in new york and re marry there to an american guy in 2004 3.my belgian fiance has all the documents ( divorce paper and the married certificate of ex wife to the american husband with red ribbon )., but when my fiance ask for a CENOMAR here in nso his married to ex wife is still registred. 4. if he will file a divorce himself in belgium can he used that documents here in the philippines for us to get married?
Karen Zablan wrote:
Monday, 13 October 2014 14:44:08 PHT
Dear Sir: I am writing to ask your permission to use the article "The Chocolate Hills" in your website. I am currently selecting stories for an English series which will be used as textbooks in the grade school. Thank you. Mrs. Karen Zablan
imeldific wrote:
Wednesday, 8 October 2014 18:08:58 PHT
We would like to ask for high resolution of some of your photos? How I can get it? Do you have a private email so I can discuss further? Many thank you and more power with this site. Really a huge help.
Suzy Hager wrote:
Tuesday, 23 September 2014 17:18:49 PHT
Hello. I'm doing a web site for a Presidential candidate in the Philippines. Could I use one of your panoramic photos? 541 324 2644 Sept 23 2014

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We reserve the right to remove or edit comments posted on this website. Please read our conditions of use for details. You can use <i>italics</i>, <b>bold</b>, <p> new paragraph, <a href="url">link</a>. Other markup will be removed. Use of the forums for advertising is prohibited. Enterprises located in Bohol can request to be added to the business directory.