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Reader Comments on 'Conditions of Use'

An overview of the conditions of use and copyright and privacy policy of this website.

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Ero wrote:
Wednesday, 24 June 2020 03:09:59 PHT
Hello! I came across this picture on your website I am writing a book for Deped; it will be given free to the students and it's non-profit. I would like to request permission to use this picture, Also, if possible, I would like to request a high-res copy. I will make sure to credit you as the source. I hope to hear from you. Please do reply on my email address. Thank you very much!
ella gallardo wrote:
Monday, 2 February 2015 10:02:00 PHT
i was read the forums about marrying/ divorcing a filipina and i have a few question myself. 1. i am a filipina and living with a begian fiance for 10 yrs now,we cant get married yet coz he has document problems and thats what i want to know anwers. 2. he is belgian citizen, had a filipina wife before, they got married in hongkong then after yrs of married, the filipina went to america to work then file a divorce in new york and re marry there to an american guy in 2004 belgian fiance has all the documents ( divorce paper and the married certificate of ex wife to the american husband with red ribbon )., but when my fiance ask for a CENOMAR here in nso his married to ex wife is still registred. 4. if he will file a divorce himself in belgium can he used that documents here in the philippines for us to get married?
Karen Zablan wrote:
Monday, 13 October 2014 14:44:08 PHT
Dear Sir: I am writing to ask your permission to use the article "The Chocolate Hills" in your website. I am currently selecting stories for an English series which will be used as textbooks in the grade school. Thank you. Mrs. Karen Zablan
imeldific wrote:
Wednesday, 8 October 2014 18:08:58 PHT
We would like to ask for high resolution of some of your photos? How I can get it? Do you have a private email so I can discuss further? Many thank you and more power with this site. Really a huge help.
Suzy Hager wrote:
Tuesday, 23 September 2014 17:18:49 PHT
Hello. I'm doing a web site for a Presidential candidate in the Philippines. Could I use one of your panoramic photos? 541 324 2644 Sept 23 2014
Paul John Ortega wrote:
Saturday, 19 July 2014 08:53:52 PHT
We would like to request permission to use the photo of Chocolate Hills (The Pregnant Woman) in our textbook entitled Filipino: Tatas sa Wika at Pagbasa Gr. 2 Kto12. The photographer's name or your publication's name will be credited on the side of the photo. We would be grateful for your consent to our request. If you require any additional information, please contact us at: * E-mail: Sincerely, PJ Ortega (editorial staff) The Bookmark, Inc
pete wrote:
Thursday, 26 September 2013 21:11:45 PHT
Would it be ok to use this website for a tv show?
Nanoy wrote:
Thursday, 22 August 2013 12:12:44 PHT
To the administrator of this website: please check the tagalog meaning of "alone". Salamat po.
Suzann Goldberg wrote:
Friday, 2 November 2012 23:35:55 PHT
Dear Sir, I would like to kindly request copyright permission to reuse this figure non-commercially. Please contact me by email so I can provide you with more information. Best Regards, Suzann
Ivy Jean Lechonsito wrote:
Friday, 19 October 2012 23:59:15 PHT
A great place for a family to relax and enjoy God's Creation. It's a blessing to visit this place. Beautiful Island, Great Foods and Wonderful People. We had so much fun!
Br, Jufel Q. Baldado, OMV wrote:
Sunday, 9 September 2012 08:51:00 PHT
I really appreciate that somebody give his ample time to present to the whole world the beauty and the rich cultural and religious heritage of Bohol. I am Boholano myself and its a heart warming to view the different places and different cultural heritages of Bohol. It makes me feel proud that what flows in my veins is a Boholano blood and wherever I will go I will always tell the people that I am a Boholano and I am proud that I am.
Joy wrote:
Monday, 11 June 2012 16:57:09 PHT
thanks for this site. our family had fun in bohol last year thanks to your site. and we are coming back this june 2012 to try the other places you've mentioned. btw, my son's school project was a hit with the help of this site. thanks very much and we do love bohol! more power.
Matt forones wrote:
Tuesday, 20 December 2011 02:01:23 PHT
I have a very very rare FERDIN.VII.D.C.HISPAREX 1816 coin and 1845 and 1855 ISABEL coins. anyone wants to bid please call me at 0906 1957 850. thank you

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