Bared... Tagna-Tagna 2009
Tagbilaran, Sunday, 18 January 2009
I greet our readers, tigmo-tigmo agukoy aron kita mag-asoy! Or I say, tagna-tagna agukoy aron kita mag-enjoy!
A lot of readers (who are diehard believers in the horoscope no doubt) have been asking what's in store for them in the Year of the Earth Ox (actually the Chinese will celebrate it on January 26, 2009, or the year 4707 in the Chinese calendar).
Is the year 2009, the year of the Ox, oks na oks for all?
The Ox symbolizes diligence, reliability, sincerity, strength and sound judgment. But, don't expect these lumbering souls to have a sparkling sense of humor or be style's not part of their precious package!
Astrologers say, on the whole, this will be a happier year than most: free from explosive events and wars and with far less catastrophes than, say, the years of the Tiger or the Dragon. Nonetheless, it will be spicy. It promises a lot of bickering, bargaining and petty arguments that will do little harm. A congenial time that will find most of us socializing and enjoying ourselves.
Oxens are also known in North America as water buffalos. They are the "cousin" animal of the carabao and cow. In Bohol, we love to eat carabeef during fiestas (in the town of Loboc, oh my God, I love kabaw chicaron and dinuguan, and, in Ubujan, Tagbilaran City and Sikatuna, they offer kabaw soup which is good for the stomach!). In Catigbian town, they have carabao for fashion and beauty pageant in the celebration of the Katigbawan festival.
My annual tagna-tagna, as usual and as expected, 90 percent of them came true. And to think that I don't need Madam Auring or Sylvia Browne (there's James Randi) to read the future for Bohol's who's who and newsmakers! Thanks to the power of radio, newspaper and the never-ending chika from the circle of friends.
Without much ado, here is Tagna-Tagna 2009.
Drum roll, please....
First, the wake-upper items:
- SK National President Jane Censorias Cajes and her politician boyfriend will bare headed for splitsville because of a pretty third party. She has lots of projects (and another international conference to attend to)!
- Titon Torralba (popularly known as Inday Rufing) will become an even bigger (more shows) "star" but his (?) love life will remain, sigh, zero.
- The "war" between Mayor Dan Neri Lim and others will get worse, and, before it gets worse some of the mayor's friends will "abandon" him as the election is almost nearer!
- DyRD will axe programs (one of them topbilled by a popular commentator) and a station will be "discipline" by an organization. The popularity of radio programs will continue; paid programs will wane and will have less and less followers because they have nothing new to offer. However, Inyong Alagad will become remain popular.
- Ms Tagbilaran 2002 Twinkle Besas and Carl Ryan Du Lim (the apo of the Dui Ek Sam empire) will tie the knot anytime this year.
- Sorry, but no wedding bells for: Rey Boom Boom Bautista and her new girlfriend (not Miss CVRAA Carolyn Ronillo)
- But Atty. Doi Magdoza and Dra. Aileen Tan are seriously planning to march down the aisle (with the "blessings" of their parents). Love will find a way!
- Despite rumors to the contrary, Teddy Ramasola and his girlfriend (the real love of his life since they were in high school) romance will even grow stronger (Oops! The crystal ball suddenly becomes blurred. Hehehe!). But, sorry na lang for Ron Tan, RG Ong, Mayors Tom Gonzaga, Jono Jumamoy, who will have no choice but to remain singles (lovelife remain barren)!
- Baba Yap will reveal the identity of his girlfriend (if he has any) to the public. He will (probably) not going to settle down this year, if, and that is a big if, as he wants to enjoy single blessedness. The apple of his eyes can't wait no more!
- Eric Ngo and his beauty queen girlfriend (if he has any) won't be tying the knot this year (there is a shocking revelation about him)... and neither will Toyee Ramos and Mayor Rey Niño Boniel who want to remain illusive bachelors!
- Former Panglao Mayor Doloreich Dumaluan will continue to be hounded by controversy from which he'll emerge unscathed, his popularity intact (and will even increase). Oppss, the cards changed colors!
- Brownbuds will release their second album after the phenomenal success of their first album (containing the song Byaheng Bohol and Iro!). Suitcases101 will have a new member and more gigs somewhere in Luzon.
- KatKat Schoof will get married to her boyfriend anytime this year after she will relinquish her crown, if, her bf can wait.
- Malou Cempron will remain "loveless," (come on, get me, get me!) and so will broadcaster Chito Visarra (but not for long) and Eden Descallar (baby, am yours!)
- Joy Maglajos will admit that she's going steady with her boyfriend and has a plan to settle down after she will relinquish the crown.
- Glenn Mark Blasquez will finally - finally! - meet the "woman of his dreams" whom he won't marry.
- TBTK will be livelier this year but too far for the people to say. Moreover, controversies will continue.
- Maximiel will be in the limelight, you now, in a real-to-life story. (Oops! The crystal ball suddenly becomes blurred. Hehehe!)
- Miss TBTK 2006 Loida Lagonoy will find a rich man this year to color her barren lovelife (bless her!).
And now, for the "blind item" tagna-tagna:
- The next high-ranking officials in Bohol will have the song Constant Change (CC)!
- Two gay marriages will happen in Bohol by known personalities. It's a Californication!
- A sexy socialite will split from her foreigner-boyfriend after she discovers his "true color."
- A young and wholesome young model might get pregnant (if she isn't careful).
- A youth leader who's not renewed for the job he applied will give hint he will run for a higher post. He will face ordeal of the "crime" he committed.
- New batch of wholesome beauties (in their teens) will be introduced to the people, more beautiful and sexy than other beauty pageants in Bohol! Another Boholana will be included in a national beauty pageant.
- Another high-ranking official in the province will find himself enmeshed in a controversy due to immorality
- The second highest official in the province will discover that he's taking care of "snakes" inside his office.
- A couple will remain "childless" because of the wife's temperament and temperament. Pray to the Lord, dear.
- Children of prominent businessmen (one male and one female) will be confined in the hospital for drug rehab.
- Several other businessmen and yuppies will be as "ecstatic" as ever and it's not because of shabu.
- A business couple, married not very long ago, will break up amidst an ugly controversy wherein they'll swap unsavory charges against each other, thus exposing their true colors. Ouch!
- A lawyer and businessman will continue to be hounded by intrigue but he and his wife and children will, as usual, survive it. Maayo lang gyud!
- A heavyweight newscaster/host will resign from the station and make an earth-shaking exposé
- A couple will definitely migrate to the States for the sake of their children.
- Couples (not married, only going steady) will break up like porcelain jars despite their public pronouncement of undying, endless love.
- More singers will follow in the footsteps of Jesat Cathy Duce and Hugo Cuabo.
- A new band will rise with popularity in May.
- A Boholano will star in an Indie/digital films and will win awards both here and in international film festivals.
- A board member and prodigal son will have a tearful reconciliation after the son left the house in favor of the girl (who's pregnant). All's well that ends well?
- A "potato queen" will accidentally kill the man he loves after he will find out that the man has another relationship with another "potato queen."
- More scandals will rock Capitol. The department heads will try to get media mileage.
- Two best friends will wage an ugly word war against each other on - where else! - in radio and newspapers.
- A popular lawyer and his nurse wife (who's from a neighboring town but working in Tagbilaran City) might just might have a talk about reconciliation but that's the farthest it will go just talk.
- A daughter of a prominent businessman who left the house when she found her dad's philandering activities will reconcile. Happy together!
- Two popular priests (knock on the wood!), high-ranking politicians (knock, knock on the wood!), department heads in Capitol (knock, knock, knock on the wood!) will say goodbye and join our Creator.
- A popular hairdresser/make up artist will get a girl pregnant! Shocking teh?!
- A newspaper might change hands (ownership, I mean) to the tune of ... P30 billion?
- A lawyer and his wife whom he has accused of having another man will finally let bygones be bygones and start life anew - together!
- A handsome and young politician will regret having broken up with a sweet young male model.
- Workers in an establishment will stage a labor-related action (strike?).
- A high-ranking official will be in a car accident (knock on the wood!) three days after his birthday. Cuidao!
- More and more Boholanos are becoming "out from the closet!" Show your true colors!
What's up
- Feliz compleaños to City Councilor Oscar Glovasa, Jan. 8; SK president Jane Cajes, Jan. 10; Emerson Pinos, Jan. 11; and AJ Wincielou "Cielo" Gabin, Jan. 14.
From the official website of Miss Cebu Tourism: Somewhere in the mad dash between being a quiet beach town and a highly urbanized conference city, Cebu took on a charming face...a different one every year. But nevertheless, a face the city and the world became familiar with. She is Miss Cebu. Let us support 19-year-old Nadia Claire Orimaco Urbino (who's a Boholana), Miss USJR 2007 who joins this year's silver edition of Miss Cebu Tourism on Jan. 14. To help Claire, just text to 2278 the sms command: VOTE FOR MSCEBU .
Email me at
Leo P. Udtohan
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