Saturday 15 February 2025 21:51:24 PHT

Bared... Miss DWCT/HNU beauties: Paragon of beauty, brains and breeding

Tagbilaran, Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Flash report: Inabanga, the Jumamoy country and home of the youngest mayor in the Philippines is making another "history" and adding yet another feather to its already well-decorated cap as it unveiled the longest continuous handwoven raffia in the world on June 29. The event was witnessed by townfolks and local leaders including Vice Governor Julius Caesar Herrera, Rep. Edgar Chatto and wife Pureza, provincial administrator Tommy Abapo (who represented Gov. Erico Aumentado who's in the US for the Conbusac gathering), Inabanga Vice Mayor Wenceslao Lao and the SB members, DTI regional director Aster Caberte, provincial board members Roygie Jumamoy, Ma. Fe Lejos, Amalia Reyes and Ae Damalerio.

Basta raffia Inabanga, basta Inabanga raffia! Inabanga's 1.813.5 kilometers producing the longest continuous hand-woven raffia fabric, the town's entry to the Guinness Book of World Records.

Mayor Jose Jono Jumamoy said that the event is "promoting Inabanga as raffia capital not only in Bohol but to the whole world...and helping livelihood."

DOT Usec Pheneas Alburo declared the 1.813.5 kilometers raffia fabric, the world's longest continuous woven raffia fabric. "The longest raffia is in Bohol," declared Usec Alburo. While provincial board member Roygie Jumamoy proudly said, "Basta Inabanga raffia, basta raffia Inabanga!"

Locally known as "buli", raffia weaving was introduced in Inabanga in the early 1800s during the time of the revolutionary Francisco Dagohoy.

See also GMA News.

A new set of Miss Bohol Sandugo and Miss Bohol International will be chosen this July. It's not yet final how many candidates are joining the pageants---making everyone more excited--- as we anticipate for the finals nights. The Miss Bohol Sandugo coronation night is on July 18 (venue is not yet known), while the Miss Bohol International (which will happen every three years) is on July 24 at the Holy Name University gym.

While in Manila, the pageants have become interesting items four our paisanos. The gathering of "beauty fanatics" turned out to be of juicy items and anecdotes including the "Miss HNU/DWCT beauties at their best... through the years" which can be accessed at YouTube (a brief narrative that is laden with rare vintage photos on the winners of Divine Word College-Tagbilaran City now Holy Name University).

Letty Tinampay during her farewell walk as
MS. DWCT 1976-1977 and to relinquish her crown and
trophy to the New MS. DWCT.

The "paragon of beauty, intelligence and breeding" include Miss DWCT 1950 Lourdes Yap, Miss DWCT 1955 Remedios Hongculada, Miss DWCT 1956 Erlinda Tubal, Miss DWCT 1957 Natividad Calope, Miss DWCT 1966 Ma. Teresa Guerra, 1972 Silver Jubilee Queen Melanie Mendoza, Miss DWCT1977 Joji Almiranez , Miss DWCT 1972 Melanie Mendoza, Miss DCWT 1975 Eva Emily Verano down to Miss HNU 2006 Carleen Yap.

Considered one of the classiest Miss DWCT
winners ever, Letty Tinampay came from one of the
socially-prominent clans of Tagbilaran City.

Ms HNC 1962 Barbara Gonzaga-Ong and Ms DWCT 1965 Mediatrix Gonzaga-Ngo come from a family known for its women ?of beauty, brains and breeding. Mrs. Ong is one of Bohol's most respected businesswomen.

However, the most prominent and elegant beauty queen according to "beauty expert and wellness guru" Raul Gatal (who compiled a story about beauty queens) is Letty Tinampay who came from one of the socially- prominent clans of Tagbilaran City. I heard about her from "beauty fanatics" yet I don't have time to interview her.

"Letty was crowned Miss DWCT 1976, the classiest Miss DWCT winner," reported Raul.

Crowning the new campus queen is the very first
Miss HNC, the former Pastora Mendoza, now Mrs.
Pastora Mendoza vda. de Visarra.

It was in 1976 when Letty was one of the nominees for MS. DWC-T. "I was called by the Dean of the College of Commerce Mrs. Praxedes Lopena and was told that I was chosen to represent our college in the annual search for Miss DWCT. When I told my parents about it, they did not like the idea especially my father, Atty. Sulpicio A. Tinampay.  So, I told our Dean that I cannot join.  Then, when I came home one night from school, I was surprised to see our Dean Ma'am  Lopena ,together with the rest of the faculty members of the College of  Commerce, at our house to see my parents and to try convincing them to allow me to join.  Consequently, Pa and Ma couldn't say no to them, but with some restrictions on my participation to the contest.  I was not allowed to wear tube without strap. So, you will notice I was the only one among the candidates wearing tube with straps," Letty told Raul.    

The school shouldered the cost of the attire for the final night of the selection of MS. DWC-T Personality.  The candidates' gowns, shorts and tube and another set of attire for the night of the final selection of MS. DWC-T Personality.

The Miss DWCT Pageant was held at the time when Martial Law was at its peak after Marcos' declaration. The question coming from the chairman of Judges was "Are you in favor of lifting up Martial Law NOW.  If you are in favor give your reason, why, and if not in favor, why not?"

"My answer with no and no OHh.hs," Letty told Raul, adding, "Answer  straight to the point was No, I am not in favor of lifting up martial Law now since the people are still adjusting from the old society to the new society. We have to give time for things to settle down. Thank you.." Letty narrated.

"Letty is happily married and she is based in Ozamis City," noted Raul.

On the other hand, Raul who is Bohol's host shared to us his insights about beauty pageants, saying with pride he has the highest respect for beauty queens and wannabes.

Raul Gatal, Bohol's seasoned host.

After almost 20 years of hosting, organizing, and judging beauty pageants, I've developed nothing but the highest respect for beauty queens and wannabees.

You want to know why? First of all, the mere though of parading in front of thousands of critical and self-righteous pairs of eyes is enough to drive one crazy. Secondly, the jeers, sneers and snide remarks from the people would smash one's self-esteem to smithereens. Third, everyone awaits with bated breath if a poor contestant will fall on her face or tumble down from slippery steps from the stage which I strongly suspect have been designed by a sadist and meant to make the poor girls fall.

With regards to the humiliating question and answer portion, I believe some of the tongue -tied candidates are not really stupid nor were they absent during their grammar classes  in  high school and college... it's just a matter of tension, sheer nervousness, and mental block. By the way, why do we equate fluency in English with intelligence? Interviews should be based  on the candidate's personal data, let us stop asking questions about global warming, the economic crisis that is besetting the world, political  views, and even world peace... for one, this is not a quiz bowl, this is a contest on pulchritude, poise, and personality... As long as a candidate can express herself in passable English, then it should be enough.

Lastly, a candidate is crowned as the queen not because she is the most beautiful nor the smartest; it's a matter of destiny, luck and timing.


Leo P. Udtohan

What readers think...

leo wrote:
Thursday, 16 July 2009 17:32:07 PHT
it's miss bohol sandugo. this year, there is a search for miss bohol international (held every three years).
Kelly wrote:
Friday, 10 July 2009 22:48:48 PHT
what is the name of your beauty contest being held in July ? Thank you , Kelly Hebron Ind. U.S.A.

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