Saturday 14 September 2024 03:08:22 PHT

Chicken with Mushroom Soup

IJsselstein, Saturday, 11 January 2003


100 grams Chicken breast
2 teaspoons Cornflour
1 Egg white
50 grams Mushrooms
50 grams Bamboo shoots
600 ml Stock (See chicken stock recipe)
1 tablespoon Soy sauce
Salt to taste


  1. Thinly slice the chicken breast meat, mix with a pinch of salt, corn flour and the egg white. Slice the mushrooms and the bamboo shoots into thin slices. Bring the stock to boil, put in the chicken, mushrooms and the shoots, and then add the soy sauce.
  2. When the soup starts to boil again and all the ingredients float to the surface, it is ready to serve. Serve while it is still hot.


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