Tuesday 22 October 2024 07:04:41 PHT

Reader Comments on 'Bohol's Coral Reefs'

Bohol is surrounded by a large number of coral reefs, which are very rich in life, and a delight to observe, and a prime tourist attraction. Although for many of the reefs, you will need a boat to get there, and scuba equipment to see them, some of them are also easily accessible for snorkelers, and at swimming distance from the beach.

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Blue Freedom Apnea wrote:
Monday, 6 January 2020 12:17:29 PHT
There is new freediving school open in Panglao, Bohol. They are non-profit organization that offer AIDA and Molchanovs courses from beginner level to instructor level. If you want to explore Balicasag island in Panglao, you can also do fun dive with them. Checkout their website is https://bluefreedomapnea.com . You can also send an enquiry to their enquiry page Send Enquiry. #freedive #freediving panglao #freediving bohol #freediving philippines
stackandjacey wrote:
Monday, 27 June 2011 18:19:41 PHT
Marie, get in touch with these guys: http://www.greenpeace.org/new-zealand/en/ They are really friendly and should be able to help you out =)
Marie wrote:
Saturday, 2 April 2011 17:37:51 PHT
I am a native Boholano and I'm very please I belong to these island! I traveled regularly in some places around the country but I still prefer to live and stay here.I really love my native Bohol. For me nothing compares Bohol in all other aspects. We are rich in terms of agricultural,rain forest,marine life,natural wonder,beautiful beaches,etc; you name it. Only one specific things I hate about my fellowmen is raising pigs by the sea. I don't want the dirt to go into the sea! It's pollution! and maybe I'll get skin disease!Anyway it's bad for our mother nature!!!I live by the sea and I love to swim in the sea as much as I can. Some questions I want to ask is there any law prohibiting against it? What if the politician itself is one of those who has pigs! Can I sue any neighbors who has pigs and they let the dirt go into the sea? I'm not against pigs but they should put septic tank!!!! Thanks and I hope my fellowmen will learn to value our world because I know it's not too late yet!!
Larry Brothwell wrote:
Thursday, 10 June 2010 07:44:30 PHT
I am a westerner who met and married a wonderful girl from Naga, Cebu. I spent seven wonderful years on Luzon and traveled many towns, and Barrios. I learned to love the Philippine people. My wife and I built a nice home for my mother-in-law in Naga. I built my retirement home on Bohol. I have many relatives who visit me and live nearby. I enjoy diving the islands and reefs. I feel they are indeed some of the best in the world. I also love Bohol and plan to end my days enjoying it's many wonders and joys!
Faith wrote:
Tuesday, 9 February 2010 22:37:02 PHT
I am from Bohol and I am very happy that bohol is one of the best attraction in Philippines. Way back few years ago Bohol is Awarded for the best attraction in Philippines. But in my selfish point of view its getting too many people now wants to live in and its too crowded. We are out of our own land. Western people overtaking us and they talk our land and they do business with law cost of salary to their staff. How could it be???
Joy S. wrote:
Wednesday, 21 October 2009 19:46:51 PHT
I think opening Bohol to more tourist divers and diver training can actually increase people's awareness to protect coral reefs. Divers see firsthand the beauty of the reefs and underwater life. If anything, they are the ones that understand and experience underwater life ecology more than anybody else. I agree with Pia's comments about locals taking Bohol's beautiful beaches and underwater beauty for granted. We Filipinos, especially the people of Bohol should take pride in what we've been blessed with. I've been to places like Mexico where local people do take care of their coral reefs, and tell us tourists not to touch or take anything from the sea. The ocean offers the best show of beauty on earth, but we also have a responsibility. This is the attitude Filipinos should have toward our own coral reefs, which are as beautiful as the ones in other countries, if not more.
Dennis wrote:
Sunday, 8 February 2009 01:51:15 PHT
I have seen the incredible and amazing wonders of the underwater paradise around Bohol. I'm based in Canada and I've been diving in Bohol since 1998. I never get tired to appreciate the countless coral species and tropical fish in their natural living habitat. To the people of Bohol, please take care of your ocean environment so that my children and their children could also appreciate and experience the same level of awe that I've seen in Bohol.
Jake Logronio Vistal wrote:
Wednesday, 30 July 2008 17:28:23 PHT
With regards the terrific success of tourism in Bohol, I said I’m not totally happy for this, ‘coz for me I don’t like the increasing numbers of people migrating to my beloved island. This island should be inherited only by the inhabitants of (Dagohoy, Tamblot & Sikatuna) not to the foreigners and people from other places in the Phil. I would like to post this reminder, patriotic Bol-anons should have this attitude (Eja – eja , Aho-aho).

In my opinion, the world is our heritage, and we are all equally entitled to it. Current scientific evidence suggest we humans first saw light in the plains of Africa, and from there migrated all over the world.

Much of the current population of Bohol probably descends from people who arrived on the Island some 1200 to 1500 years ago from Borneo, and probably didn't colonize an uninhabited island. The Aeta (Negrito) people are the oldest inhabitants of the Philippines, and might also have lived in Bohol long before invading Malay tribes pushed them aside. Would you suggest to undo that wrong?

As I understand history, the Boholano's have always welcomed visitors, but have rightly rejected attempts to restrict their freedom or to dominate them, and this I believe, is the right spirit--Jeroen.

Jaron Agustin wrote:
Saturday, 21 June 2008 18:11:35 PHT
how much would it actually cost for a diving tour (considering all the rentals of equipments and the services of tour/diving guides). Thank you.
Pia Heino wrote:
Wednesday, 27 February 2008 02:19:51 PHT
I was in Panglao in December 2007, yes there was some corals in Balicasag island but it was very sad to see how the locals guides where stepping on them and breaking them. "The guides" were waiting the tourist in small boats and then helped the tourist to look the corals. And some tourist who could not swim were standing on corals also. Very sad. There is not many corals left anymore so I hope that somehow the Philippines could save what is left.
Janie wrote:
Thursday, 13 September 2007 13:01:38 PHT
I was in Bohol last friday to sunday, Sept 7-9, 2007. Continue to take good care of the marine resources and the natural resources your place have. I was amazed to see sea urchins and coral reefs in panglao. Such a nice place. God has blessed Philippines with such a beauty. Hope Bohol will have a good government. More power!
Eric Alexander wrote:
Friday, 6 July 2007 23:04:55 PHT
Hey Nice site! not knowing much about fish, i learned a lot in a short period of time. thank you for your site, and may you and your co-workers be blessed for the worthy service you provide! sincerely, eric alexander superfec@yahoo.com
Loth wrote:
Thursday, 29 March 2007 12:52:02 PHT
so educational ... never ever met these topics during my school days. this really impressed me a lot, for things i didn't learn from school, i got it from here. "no budget for books actually - hehehe" i just utilize my breaktime exploring the site. thanks and more power!
Jeannie wrote:
Friday, 10 November 2006 16:32:57 PHT
Our Ecology class will be having its field trip in Bohol next year. We are supposed to visit different types of ecosystems like...grasslands, forests, freshwaters, marine, etc...Can you give me some recommendations?
Lollie Magno wrote:
Wednesday, 25 October 2006 21:23:01 PHT
The pictures are so fascinating!!! This site is very helpful on my research. I hope you will provide more info about the extent of the damages of the philippine reefs. By the way, I have two questions. I hope You will be able to give the answers to me in my email. 1) Whyb do coral reefs need light? what is its importance to these creatures? 2. Why do shelled organisms found at deep regions have thicker shells than those in the shallow region? Thanks.
Ronald Herman wrote:
Tuesday, 15 November 2005 12:12:06 PHT

We are undergraduate computer science students presently constructing our thesis. We are doing a simulation system of an aquatic system. We would like to model a reef as well as the fishes that would live in it. We would like to create it as real as possible. We would just like to request your help through answering the ff questions: Thanks..

That is a whole lot of questions, and I cannot possibly answer all. However, good places to start looking is Wikipedia and, for specific information on Philippine reefs, the One Ocean Website. I will try some answers below, but they should not substitute for your own research.--Jeroen.

The Reef

1) Could you recommend a reef, preferably in the Philippines that we could model?

The Philippines has a number of reefs, depending on where you are, you could try to find one as close as possible to you. North of Bohol is a double barrier reef, which may be very interesting.

2) What are the types and names of the aquatic animals that thrive in it?

Coral reefs are one of the most diverse ecosystems you can find on the planet. Besides corals, you can find numerous types of fish, molluscs, nudibranches, jellyfish, and much more.

3) Whats the difference between the fishes (physical, mental, psychological, etc) living in a reef from those in a pond, lake, or sea?

It is difficult to give a general answer here, as so many varieties of fish inhabit the reef.

4) How does the temperature affect the fishes?

It is important not just to think about the fishes, but about the ecosystem as a whole. One of the core animals of the reef, the corals themselves, are rather sensitive to a small increase in the water temperature. It is believed that global warming is one of the causes of mass starvation of corals.

5) How does cleanliness of the environment affect the fishes?

Again, considering the entire ecosystem, a small increase of, for example, chemical vertilizers could affect the natural balance in the reef, cause a huge increase of algae living on the corals, and in effect destroy the reef. Similarly, the use of poison by some unscrupulous fishers can kill of the entire reef.

Mental Attributes

The following questions are difficult to answer, as nobody can ask fishes directly. We can observe animal's behaviour, but we cannot ask them why they do things the way they do. Much of what is said on this subject must remain speculation.

1) what can be the mental attributes of fishes (if there are any)?

2) Are fear and curiosity included (pertaining to Q#1)?

3) Do fishes really think?

4) Can they learn?

5) Did they learn to swim away from predators, learn to hide, to camoflauge themselves or is it just instinct?

6) If ever they do learn, will a concept learned be retained permanently or just temporarily?

Physical Attributes

1) Do fishes eat until they are full or do they eat just for the sake of eating?

2) Do fishes get tired? how do they rest?

Fish do sleep, but curiously with their eyes open.

3) Do fishes have a sex drive or do they mate because they have a season for mating?

4) How do they reproduce? Is gender considered in mating?

Fish has gender, male and female, and depending on the kind, make couples for a shorter or longer period of time. Normally vertilization takes place outside the body. Most fish produce enormous numbers of offspring, with a relatively small change to survive to adulthood.


1) Is there still evolution in fishes (Physical or characteric attributes)?

Evolution is a continuous process, and continues with all living creatures.

2) How does evolution occur?

Evolution is the gradual change of species over time. This can be observed easily by both the relationship between current living creatures, that strongly suggest a common ancestry, and from fossil records, that provide evidence of numerous species that are most likely ancestors to currently living species. The actual design of a living creature is recorded in its DNA, which are highly complex organic molecules that are present in each cell. Whenever a creature reproduces, there is a small change that the new offspring's DNA is somewhat different from that of its parents, due to naturally occuring mutations in its DNA. As a result, the offspring may develop somewhat differently from its parents. When those differences are beneficial to the offspring, those will increase its chances to survive and successfully reproduce, and thus, as a result, the changed DNA will be inherited by its offspring. In short this process is often described as the "survival of the fittest". Note that evolution is a gradual process, since each new feature has to evolve, through gradual change, from pre-existing features.

Flocking (schools)

1) Why do they flock?

Primarily, flocking is to obtain safety in numbers. For each member of a flock, the changes to survive are better in a flock.

2) What do they do in a flock?

3) In what eco-system (pond, lake, aquarium, reefs, etc) does flocking occur?

Whenever it makes sense to flock, that is, when there are a large number of fish, who cannot match their preditors individually. In ponds and aquariums, which are articial ecosystems, normally there are not large enough numbers of fish to create a flock.

4) What kinds of fishes flock?

5) How do they know when to flock?

6) Who controls the movement of the flocking?

7) Is there a maximum number of fishes that can be involved in a flock?


1) How do fishes commmunicate?

2) How did they know how to communicate?

4) What is the product of communication (after communication, what now?)?


1) Is there a significance for such a study?

2) What are the advantages of starting this study? disadvantages?

3) Would you prefer it if we change our domain to a bigger aquatic eco-system?

Darcy Cheng wrote:
Friday, 16 September 2005 19:46:20 PHT
Friday , 16 September 2005 Hi I,m Darcy cheng and iwould want to say that this website is great and it really was nice to have it on my project about the Philippine Coral Reefs THANK You Arigato Kosaimas (japanese)!!!!!!!!!!:-)
Rachel Sy wrote:
Friday, 16 September 2005 19:42:36 PHT
Friday , 16 September 2005 I am from Caloocan City and I say this website is the most impressive that I have seen and it really suits my project on the Philippine Coral Reefs because of the nice pictures and everything. For me I recomend that this website should be all around the world so that people would know more about your website and students in other country can see that the Philippines has also some beautiful tourist spots and also learn more and even might use these in their projects and might ace it
Stella wrote:
Thursday, 15 September 2005 21:51:12 PHT
Its nice 2 see that they made this kind of website.... it not only let people know the condition of the coral reefs in the Earth, but also a good website for students to make their research or project. Keep it up!!! :-)
Kyle Meguizo wrote:
Thursday, 15 September 2005 21:14:08 PHT
I think that this site in theinternet is helpful. It helped me in my research about the Philippine Coral Reefs. I read this article about it and I think that it is about to be dead a few years from now. It was wonderful seeing these pictures of the Philippine Coral Reefs
Roy wrote:
Wednesday, 20 July 2005 12:42:00 PHT
To Carlo and John astacaan: Hi john& carlo. im roy from tubigon, bohol. I cud share u stories about tubigon. just e-mail me if u are enterested to know more.
Carlo Astacaan wrote:
Friday, 1 July 2005 18:25:14 PHT
I am from Davao City, my mother is a native in Tubigon Bohol and i stayed there for almost 2 years with my wife and daughter,all i can say to you guys that Bohol is a hidden paradise for locals and foriegner because of the hospitality of the people and the beautyful spots like Panglao beach,Sagbayan peak,Chocolate hills and many more,hope to see all of guys in bohol.
Vickie Gadiano wrote:
Thursday, 9 June 2005 05:12:42 PHT
I am from San diego, CA. I toured Bohol last month and found it wonderfully refreshing, cleaner than any place in Philippines so far. It is a very beautiful place. The cleanliness was most impressive. I enjoyed all the different places in Bohol and I would go there again someday. I recommend this place to all you returning kababayans and of course to the tourist who visits the Philippines.
John Astacaan wrote:
Sunday, 15 May 2005 11:18:12 PHT
My Father are from City of tubigon,bohol,I live in california 20 years now,I hope someday I'll be able to visit my father hometown and see these beutifull coral reef.
Kota wrote:
Thursday, 21 April 2005 14:59:11 PHT
Im a japanese and very surprised when i saw the beautiful scenery of the philippines its perfect mountains of chocolate hills down to the fantastic view in the oceans mostly to the under water.me and my friends will hopefully come there to visit and experience the natural and mystical beauty of the philippine country.and i have done some reseach how wonderful and warmth the filifinos are and im looking forward to experienced it as well. i just hope that filifino culture and tradition will inspire me and so i will visit this beautiful country for more.
Andrea wrote:
Thursday, 17 February 2005 18:19:44 PHT
BOHOL is heaven on this chaotic world! nothing beats home so for sure, i'd be trying out all these beach stuff some more- despite the blazing sun!
Miggy wrote:
Thursday, 10 February 2005 04:28:28 PHT
And I Think to My self " what a wonderful world(,")
Mec wrote:
Tuesday, 4 January 2005 13:26:53 PHT
If i could, I would go back to Bohol in an instant...
Cheryl wrote:
Sunday, 21 November 2004 14:57:09 PHT
I'm not from Bohol but I have seen it many times and through pictures. Bohol's a clean place and the reef is so beautiful I should try diving in somehow.
Cristina Corpin wrote:
Tuesday, 19 October 2004 10:52:02 PHT
Dwight wrote:
Friday, 15 October 2004 17:58:07 PHT
Aayaw kabalaka bol-anon ky inig uli nako dha suroyon nako ang mga beach dha...wala nako lain ika sulti nisamot og bloming ang Bohol krn.Grrrrrrrrrrr!
Steven Robinson wrote:
Sunday, 1 August 2004 09:30:02 PHT
Simply Beautiful, I want to see it in person
Alona wrote:
Thursday, 22 July 2004 11:42:32 PHT
Wa na kay laing pangitaon pa! Bohol pa??
Liva mae wrote:
Tuesday, 20 July 2004 10:58:26 PHT
Its very fantastic I want to go to that place very beautiful I love it.
Mr. Rosario A. Beronio wrote:
Friday, 30 April 2004 13:52:57 PHT
Labihan man kaayong lami-a tanawon ang hitsura sa Bohol mora kag galutaw sa hangin kong imong tanawon tanan.
Gloria wrote:
Thursday, 5 February 2004 18:01:20 PHT
Ang ganda talaga.... Grabeeeee!
Rexie P. Magdugo wrote:
Thursday, 9 October 2003 16:46:14 PHT
I thought that the Apo Island coral reserves in Negros has nothing to compare with. But when I saw these pictures even without diving is,... I don't know wat to say, it's so beautiful.
Mermaid wrote:
Friday, 21 February 2003 17:06:31 PHT
I can't dive but I love snorkelling. Where should I go to snorkel in or around Bohol?

The house reef of Alona beach is well worth swimming out between 100 and 200 metres and offers fantastic snorkeling. Several other places are also good for snorkeling, as is indicated on the Diving Locations page. And, you might try a "Discover Scuba Diving" course with one of the diving schools on Alona Beach.--Jeroen.

Cecilia wrote:
Sunday, 17 November 2002 07:40:08 PHT
The pictures are spectacular! Unbelievably beautiful! Gotta go there!

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